We’ve made it easy to sync Bullhorn tearsheets to Sense for use in audience creation. This self-service tearsheet sync is perfect for scenarios where you have a highly targeted list of a candidate or client recipients that can’t be generated by traditional audience rules.
Before Starting
Create your tearsheet in Bullhorn.
Note: Sense’s click-to-sync supports tearsheets up to Bullhorn's limit of 10,000 entries at a time. It is recommended to avoid using the same tearsheet name twice or renaming active tearsheets.
Ensure that the visibility of your tearsheet in Bullhorn is set to “Public”
Syncing a Tearsheet in Sense
In Sense, click Settings in the left sidebar
Under ATS Syncs, Click Tearsheets
You’ll see a list of all public tearsheets from Bullhorn, filter your total list of tearsheets to find the specific one you’re looking for:
After you’ve found your tearsheet, click Sync
Select whether you’d like to sync Candidates and/or Client Contacts from the tearsheet. After making your selection, click Sync to initiate the tearsheet syncing process from Bullhorn.
Viewing Tearsheet Syncs
Tearsheets that are currently being synced will appear in the IN PROGRESS tab. It usually takes 1-2 hours for a tearsheet to finish syncing once submitted in Sense.
Once a tearsheet finishes syncing, it will appear in the SYNCED tab.
Using Your Tearsheet in Audience Rules
Tearsheets in audience rules will have the following format: in_tearsheet: Tearsheet Name
Once you’ve added the rule, click the checkbox to confirm that they are in the tearsheet and should be included in the audience.
Deleting Tearsheets
Before deleting a synced tearsheet in Bullhorn, be sure to deactivate all Journeys that include the synced tearsheet and remove your existing tearsheet rules.
Note: This feature is only available to Bullhorn customers.