Table of contents
- Overview
- What’s Covered
- Conversation Funnel
- People Engagement Funnel
- Other Metrics
- Conversation Flow
★ Overview
Sense AI Chatbot metrics showcase the progression and drop off at the conversations and candidate level during a chatbot interaction. Drop-off rates are presented at a node level allowing you to identify specific points where engagement is being lost and proactively improve your conversation rates.
★ What’s Covered
[A] Conversation Funnel
[B] People Engagement Funnel
[C] Other Metrics
[D] Conversation Flow
To access Chatbot Metrics:
- On your Sense Dashboard, navigate to Analytics > Chatbot Metrics.
- You can filter your Chatbot Metrics by
- Selecting one or more Chatbot Type - [Sourcing, Prescreening, Data Enrichment]
- Selecting one or more Entity Type
- Selecting Timeframe [90 Days, 30 Days, 7 Days, Current Day or Customizable Range]
- Selecting one or more Conversation Flows
[A] Conversation Funnel
- The Conversation Funnel showcases the data for “Conversations Initiated, Conversations Started, and Conversations Completed.”
- Conversations Started: A conversation is considered started when an end user, like a candidate, sends at least one message to the chatbot.
- Conversations Initiated: A chatbot conversation is initiated when the Sense chatbot sends the first message to the candidate (default/greeting message).
- Conversations Completed: A conversation is completed when the candidate reaches the last node of the conversation.
- Click the Graph Icon on the right side of the Conversation Funnel to see the monthly graphical representation of “Conversations Initiated, Conversations Started, and Conversations Completed.” You can view these numbers for the selected month by hovering over the graph as shown below.
➠ NOTE: The chart shows the data until ‘Year to Date (YTD’).
- You can view the conversion between these as percentages as shown below:
- 1019580 Conversations are Initiated by the chatbot, out of which less than 1% of candidates have started the conversations (184).
- Out of 184 Conversations, 73% of candidates have completed their conversations (136).
[B] People Engagement Funnel
- The People Engagement Funnel shows the data on how unique people or candidates engage with the chatbot and complete their conversations.
- People Engaged: The total number of people who engaged with the Chatbot. A candidate is considered engaged with the chatbot when they receive the default message from a bot at least once.
- People Started Conversations: Out of the people who engaged with the chatbot, this is the total number of people who started a conversation.
- People Completed Conversations: Out of the people who started the conversation, this is the total number of people who completed it.
- Click the Graph Icon on the right side of the People Engagement Funnel to see the monthly graphical representation of “People Engaged, People Started Conversations, and People Completed Conversations.” You can view these numbers for the selected month by hovering over the graph as shown below.
NOTE: The chart shows the data until ‘Year to Date (YTD’).
- You can view the conversion between these as percentages as shown below:
- 25 People are Engaged with the Chatbot, out of which 96% of people have started the conversation (24).
- Out of 24 people, 79% have completed their conversations (19).
[C] Other Metrics
- The Other Metrics section showcases the data on how many meetings are scheduled by Chatbot, saved time, average rating, and velocity.
- Meetings Scheduled: This shows the ‘total number of meetings scheduled’ by a chatbot.
- Time Saved: This shows the ‘total time saved’ by the recruiter in hours. The increase or decrease shown by the arrows (↑ or ↓) compares the metrics for the current time range selected with the metrics for the same number of days before the start date. This applies to all the growth or decline numbers shown as a percentage with the arrows
- Average Rating: This shows the average rating given by a candidate on a scale of 1-5.
- The Velocity shows the average time taken to complete the conversation and the average time taken to schedule a meeting.
- Click the Graph Icon on the right side of the ‘Velocity’ to see the monthly graphical representation of ‘Time to Complete Conversation’ and ‘Time to Schedule a Meeting.’
➠ NOTE: The chart shows the data until ‘Year to Date (YTD’).
[D] Conversation Flow
- The Conversation Flows showcase the “People Engaged, Conversations Started, % Completed, Time to Complete, and Average Rating” for all chatbots or selected chatbots. You can use this to compare two or more Chatbots.
- Name: Displays the name of the chatbot linked to a journey. You can click on this name and view the detailed chatbot metrics page for the selected chatbot.
- People Engaged: The total number of people who engaged with the Chatbot.
- Conversation Started: The total number of people who started a conversation with a Chatbot.
- % Completed: The percentage of conversations completed with respect to conversations started by the Chatbot.
- Time to Complete: Average time taken by the Chatbot to complete a conversation.
- Average Rating: This shows the average rating given by a candidate on a scale of 1-5.