Table of Contents
★ Overview
Sense Messaging Analytics helps you understand the recruiter’s activity and productivity metrics. It helps you identify top and bottom performers and analyze their activity volume on several metrics like total messages sent, received, candidates reached, average response time, etc.
★ What’s Covered
[A] Team usage of Messages
[B] Messages Trend Graph
[C] Messaging Stats By Team Member
[A] Team usage of Messages
This section shows the Sense Messaging activity of all the recruiters. It helps you understand the total messages/broadcast Sent and Received, total People Reached, Candidate Response Rate, total Opt-Outs count, and more.
- Sent 1 on 1: Shows the total number of messages sent by recruiter 1 to 1 people.
- Sent Broadcast: Shows the total number of messages sent by the recruiter as a broadcast.
- Received: Shows the total number of messages received by the recruiter.
- People Reached: Shows the total number of people/candidates/contacts reached in a given time frame.
Unique Conversations: Shows the total number of conversations with an Outbound or Inbound message during the selected timeframe. The unique conversation is counted when there is a back-and-forth exchange of messages between the recruiter and the candidate. This includes any number of back-and-forth messages between;
- Candidate > Recruiter > Candidate
- Recruiter > Candidate > Recruiter
Candidate Response Rate: The response rate is calculated as the 'total inbound conversation rate' divided by the 'total conversation count.'
- Total Number of candidates who sent at least one message to a preceding message from the recruiter received from candidate / total number of candidates reached in a given time frame
- This can be greater than 100% - a candidate can respond to a message which was sent to them on a date outside of the selected timeframe
Team Response Time: This shows the average response time for messages received during standard business hours [8 AM - 7 PM] based on the local timezone of your agency on a working day.
NOTE: Weekends and public holidays (pre-defined) are not considered in calculating this metric.
1st of January - New Years
3rd Monday of January - MLK Day
Last Monday of May - Memorial Day
4th of every July - July 4
1st Monday of September - Labor Day
4th Thursday of November - Thanksgiving
25th of every December - Christmas
- Opt-Outs: Shows the total number of people who opted out from the account/phone numbers owned by the recruiter
- Use the Filter option on the right-side panel to filter your data according to your desired timeframe.
[B] Messages Trend Graph
The 'Messages Trend' graph is designed to showcase your “Weekly” or “Monthly” adoption progress of your Messaging product.
- Weekly Stats:
- Monthly Stats:
- Use the drop-down menu to change your graph metrics, such as People Reached, Unique Conversation, Response Rate, Response Time, and Opt-Outs.
[C] Messaging Stats By Team Member
This section showcases the “individual usage” of Sense Messaging product. It helps you understand the total number of messages Sent, Received, People Reached count, Last Message Sent, Response Time, Delivery Rate, and Opt-Outs count by individual Team Members.
- Team Member: Shows the Team Member/Recruiter's name.
- Received: Shows the total number of messages received by the recruiter.
- Sent: Shows the total number of messages sent by the recruiter.
- People Reached: Shows the total number of people/candidates/contacts reached in a given time frame.
- Last Message Sent: Shows the timeframe for the last message sent.
Unique Conversation: Shows the total number of conversations with an Outbound or Inbound message during the selected timeframe. The unique conversation is counted when there is a back-and-forth exchange of messages between the recruiter and the candidate. This includes any number of back-and-forth messages between;
- Candidate > Recruiter > Candidate
- Recruiter > Candidate > Recruiter
Candidate Response Rate: The response rate is calculated as the 'total inbound conversation rate' divided by the 'total conversation count.'
- Total Number of candidates who sent at least one message to a preceding message from the recruiter received from candidate / total number of candidates reached in a given time frame
- This can be greater than 100% - a candidate can respond to a message which was sent to them on a date outside of the selected timeframe
Response Time: Shows the individual average response time for messages received during standard business hours [8 AM - 7 PM] based on the local timezone of your agency on a working day.
NOTE: Weekends and public holidays (pre-defined) are not considered in calculating this metric.
1st of January - New Years
3rd Monday of January - MLK Day
Last Monday of May - Memorial Day
4th of every July - July 4
1st Monday of September - Labor Day
4th Thursday of November - Thanksgiving
25th of every December - Christmas
- Opt-Outs: Shows the total number of people who opted out from the account/phone numbers owned by the recruiter.
- You can use the Search Box to search for your team members.
- Click Export CSV on the right corner to download the messaging analytics data in CSV format.
You can download the messaging analytics for three types of data:
- Broadcasts Data: This CSV file helps you analyze the data for total 'Broadcast Messages' sent for the selected timeline. It includes the data for Names, Emails, Phone Numbers, Send Date, Total Number of Sent Recipients, Number of Replies, and Number of Failures.
- Messaging Analytics by Team Members: This CSV file showcases the data segregated by 'Team Members'. It includes the Team Members' Name, Email, Security Group, Received and Sent Messages counts, People Reached, Last Message Sent, Unique Conversations, Response Time, Delivery Rates, and Opt-Outs..
Messaging Analytics by Security Groups: This CSV file helps you analyze messaging analytics based on the available 'Security Groups' within your organization. It includes the Security Group Name, Total Group Members, Sent 1-on-1, Sent Broadcast, People Reached, Unique Conversations, Candidate Response Time, Team Response Time, and Opt-Outs.
- Security Group Name: This column shows the name of the security group.
- Group Members: This column shows the total count of available Sense Messaging users in the group.
- Sent 1 on 1: Shows the total number of 1 on 1 messages sent by recruiters in the respective group.
- Received: Shows the total number of messages received by the recruiters in the security group.
➥ NOTE: Please refer to step A.1 or step C.1 for all metric definitions, such as People Reached, Unique Conversations, Candidate & Team Response Time, Opt-Outs, Delivery Rate, etc.