To get started with configuring the offer letter generation workflow, here is a quick check-list of steps for you:
Create placeholders before uploading a template.
Please ensure you have added all the custom form fields before creating a form.
Offer templates should be created and uploaded with all the required placeholders.
Forms need to be validated (not in case you have chosen to upload them at the time of offer generation).
You can learn more about offer letter configuration terminologies here.
- Placeholders and Form Fields
- Uploading an offer template
- Viewing and Managing an uploaded offer template
- Creating Offer Forms
This article helps you understand the following:
How to create and manage placeholders?
How to upload an offer template?
Viewing and Managing an uploaded offer template.
How to create an offer form, and why?
☆ Placeholders and Form Fields
- If you are unfamiliar with ‘placeholders for offer letters’- please refer to the help page here.
To view the default and custom placeholders list, navigate to Settings > General Configuration > Offer Configuration > Placeholders.
You can click on any placeholders (as required) to copy to your clipboard. You can go ahead and paste these directly into the offer letter template you plan to use.
To add a new placeholder, follow the below steps:
Navigate to Settings > General Configuration > Offer Configuration > Form Fields.
Click on Create New.
In the following pop-up, add a Description (it will be displayed as the field name on the form).
Choose a field type from the drop-down menu:
- Dropdown: allows you to select from a pre-defined set of menus.
- Text: allows you to use alphabets and a string of alphabets.
- Number: allows you to have any numerical value
- Formula
- Date: allows you to have dates added in various standard formats.
- Decimal: allows you to have decimal values added to the field.
Add a placeholder name. It will be available to view and use from the placeholders tab on the Offer Configuration settings.
Click on Create to save the details.
Editing and deleting form fields:
From the Form Fields tab, click on the edit icon provided against the required field.
In the following pop-up, you will have the option to edit the details as in the sample screenshot provided below:
Click on Save Changes to complete the process.
You can delete a form field anytime by clicking on the delete icon and confirming by clicking Yes.
So that you know, you cannot delete a form field already in use.
☆ Uploading an offer template
Once you have defined all the necessary placeholders for your offer letter template, it’s time to copy and paste them into the template.
Upon doing so, follow the below steps to upload the template to Sense TRM:
- Navigate to Settings > General Configuration > Offer Configuration > Templates.
Click on New Template.
Ensure that the template is in .docx format with all required placeholders added. -
Add a Template Name.
Drag and drop or upload the template.
Click on Create to complete the process.
☆ Viewing and Managing an uploaded offer template
You can view the uploaded offer template from the templates tab in Offer Configuration Settings.
Clicking on any of the templates will list down the placeholders and their type - which are present in the template.
All the defined placeholders will have a green tick mark before the placeholder name.
In case of any new placeholder(s) found on the template, you can find a red cross mark before the placeholder name. This also implies that the placeholder added to the template has a spelling mistake.
You can click on Download to get a copy of the same. Also, you can click on Replace if you have updates to the existing template.
☆ Creating Offer Forms
Offer forms are prompted to the recruiters while generating an offer letter for a candidate. The fields displayed on these forms are what you will be setting up from the Offer Forms tabs in Offer Configuration Settings.
For the same,
Navigate to Settings > General Configuration > Offer Configuration > Form.
Click on + Create New Form.
Add a form name, and select an offer template from the drop-down menu.
You can instead choose to check on the Directly upload offer letter too. Learn more.
When you check the box- you can upload an offer letter file from your system directly while creating an offer for a candidate in the offer stage.
1. From the candidate details page, you will find the option to Create an Offer.
(As per the Screenshot provided below)
2. Click on that to upload the file. -
Click on Create.
Please ensure you have validated the form before proceeding with offer letter generation. Learn more.
Dependency criteria for form fields:
1. Navigate to Settings > General Configuration > Offer Configuration > Form.
2. Create a new form by clicking on the +Create a New Form button or go to any existing forms.
3. Click the New Field button to add a new field to the form.
4. Select the offer field from the drop-down menu in the following pop-up and add a title.
5. Click on the +Add Dependency to define dependency criteria for the field. Users can specify dependency criteria with a field added to the form already.
6. Click on Add. Hence, the form field with dependency criteria will be displayed only upon satisfying
the defined dependency criteria.
For changing any details on an existing offer form:
1. Navigate to Settings > General Configuration > Offer Configuration > Form.
2. Select the required form.
3. From the Form details page, click on the Edit icon provided against the fields available.
4. Make necessary changes and check the box for triggering a new offer version upon making these changes (if required).
When you have it checked, irrespective of whether the form being sent for approval or not- a new version is generated.
When you don't have it checked, the changes you make will not trigger for generating a new version of the offer letter (you can view the version status from Jobs > Select a job > Candidates).
Upon creating and validating the offer forms, these will be available and listed down when you click on Generate Offer from the candidate card.
Now, you have the offer letter configured from Sense TRM. You can now go ahead and set up an approval chain for the offers you are generating.
Learn more: Offer Approval Chain | Generating Offer Letter