★ Accessibility
The report displays candidates in different milestones of all jobs (by default) on the platform. Each milestone will be divided into four sub-categories: Active, On-Hold, Rejected, and Inactive.
Implies, the report bifurcates the number of candidates present in the Screen stage and Active, Screen stage and On-hold, Screen stage and Rejected, and Screen stage and Inactive.
Accessibility: The report is accessible to the user who has generated it. In the case of scheduled reports, the users added to the list will get the same via email.
★ How to find the report
Navigate to Reports & Analytics > Reports > Candidate Pipeline by Job.
★ Tabs and Functionality
Candidate Pipeline by Job has two tabs, namely: Generated and Scheduled.
- The ‘Generated’ tab displays all the reports that have been generated.
- The ‘Scheduled’ tab displays all the reports that have been scheduled and generated. It is when you want periodic reports for this particular scenario.
★ Generate a new report
To generate a new report, follow the below steps:
- Click on Generate now button provided on the right-hand side of the screen.
- From the following pop-up, click on Generate to fetch a report with all the jobs you have been part of. If you are part of the global group, you will have access to all the jobs.
➥ Generate reports with filters:
- To apply filters, click on Jobs. Select the jobs from the following pop-up for which the system should fetch data.
- Go to the Job Status tab, and select if you want to filter out based on the job status. You can choose as many as from the drop-down. If no status is chosen, the report will have jobs in all the statuses within the system.
Go to Team Members, and you can filter out by a combination of users and roles. Click on Add to apply the filter.
➥ How does it work:
If you add a user name and select a role → those jobs for which the selected user has been assigned with the selected role will be used for the reports.
Note: You can select as many users and roles as required.
- Go to Office & Department, and you can filter out by a combination of users and roles. Click on Add to apply the filter.
How does it work: Suppose you select a specific office and department. In that case, all jobs created for the desired combination of office and department will be used for the reports.
- Go to the Created Between tab and filter out jobs based on their creation date. You can choose a range of up to 720 days from here.
Upon selecting all the required filters, click on Apply Filter to save.
Click on Generate Now, and the report will be generated.
It will then be listed in Generated tab.
★ Schedule report
You can schedule reports and even share them with other organization users. Follow the below steps to schedule a report:
- Navigate to the Scheduled tab.
- Click on Schedule Now.
The next step allows you to filter out the report. You can filter out the report based on job, hiring team, role, office location and department.
- You can select as many jobs as required, and the report will be generated for the selected jobs.
- You can also select job status, which will be applied along with the selected jobs.
- Select a range of dates based on the job creation date if you want to filter out.
- Select a user name (or more) and role. The jobs will be filtered based on the combination specified here.
- You can select an office location (or more) and department. The jobs will be filtered based on the combination specified here.
- Upon adding all the required filters, ensure that you click on Add.
Click on Move to schedule to start scheduling the report.
Select a Frequency for generating these reports. You can select from Days, Weeks, Months, and Quarterly.
Please select when you would like to generate these reports and send them to other stakeholders. You can choose a specific time or now and click on OK to save.
You can select users you would like to send these reports to if you want.
Further, you can enter a Subject and Email body and click on Schedule to complete the process.
7. Upon generating reports- they will be listed in the Schedule tab. You can click on the more options (three dots) to:
- View the sent report and Download a copy to your system.
- Pause generating reports. You can resume it anytime.
- Edit filters and schedule details for the report.
You can learn more about reports and analytics here.