➠ Problem: How can I avoid touchpoint deliverability issues, such as touchpoints not being delivered when I want them to be, both touchpoints being delivered when I wanted only one to be delivered, and other common issues with touchpoints?
➠ Solution: The problem often arises from an incorrectly added Scheduling Rules. To ensure smooth touchpoint deliverability and avoid common issues, It is always recommended to crosscheck all scheduling rules, such as Trigger conditions, Day and date section, Suppression Rules, and Recipient Reminders.
➥ Scheduling Rules:
- Trigger Conditions: Double-check your trigger conditions to ensure they align with your intended delivery timings. Please refer to the complete “Scheduling” article for more information on each trigger.
Day & Date, Time of Day, Recurrences section: [Options depend on the selected Trigger condition]
- Ensure the Date Type, Time Type, Date Value, and Start and End Date fields are selected/added correctly.
- Make sure the Grace Period (Not available for all triggers) is set at a reasonable time. This buffer allows for any last-minute audience additions or changes, preventing missed deliveries. Please refer to the complete “What is Grace Period” help article for more information.
- Cross-check the set Recurrence rules details (only available for the “On a date-that recurs multiple times” trigger). Please refer to the complete “What is duration” help article for information on setting duration for your touchpoints.
- In the case of the trigger condition set to “On a date-When a field’s value changes,” it’s crucial to cross-check the added “Field Value,” “Value Starts as,” and “Value Changes to” details. Ensure that the added value is grammatically correct and has no spelling errors.
- Avoid adding contradicting audience rules and touchpoint triggers. For example, if an Audience Rule specifies that the “status” should be active, while the Scheduling Rule implies sending a touchpoint on “status” changes to Inactive, these rules contradict each other, and the touchpoint will never be triggered in such cases.
Suppress Repetition (Suppression Rules): Ensure the selected Cap repetitions and Limit frequency details align with your desired timelines for the touchpoint. Please refer to the complete “What it Suppression” help article to understand the available options.
Basic Details:
- Ensure your phone number/email address is valid.
- Check if your email domain is verified or if the phone number is registered in Sense.