Table of Contents
★ Enabling Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams is a popular video conferencing platform among our customers. Follow the below step to offer Microsoft Teams video conferencing links when booking meetings via Sense Scheduling
Step 1: Login to the Sense platform and click on Microsoft Teams under Settings > Calendar Sync.
Step 2: Once you click on Microsoft Teams, the user will be directed to authenticate. The user account used to authenticate needs to be a global admin to approve the integration.
Step 3: Approve the permissions requested on the next screen.
Step 4: Once the authentication and permissions are successfully completed, user will be redirected to the Calendar Sync page.
Step 5: At this point, Microsoft Teams is integrated, and the Microsoft Teams option will become available in the templates for every user in the customer’s organization that has access to Microsoft Teams. But in order for the Microsoft Teams links to be generated, the customer administrator would need to perform the below steps. The integration will be incomplete without the below steps being completed.
Step 6: The IT administrator should create and assign an access policy to the users. This can be done by either using Azure Cloud Shell or by installing PowerShell.
Step 7: In the command line, perform the following steps.
Install module if required.
Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -Force -AllowClobber
Import the module.
Import-Module MicrosoftTeams
It will prompt the IT administrator to login and provide username and password.
$userCredential = Get-Credential
Connect to Microsoft Teams.
Create an application access policy.
New-CsApplicationAccessPolicy -Identity sense-teams-policy -AppIds "7fb00682-951d-49c6-bf92-6d01cc05c5dd" -Description "Sense MS Teams Access"
Use the below step if you wish to allow your entire organization to have access to this integration. This option is recommended by Sense since this will have the least maintenance required from IT Administrators.
Grant-CsApplicationAccessPolicy -PolicyName sense-teams-policy -Global
Step 8: [Optional] If you want to provide access to a specific set of individuals or groups use one of the below steps instead of using the last step above granting global access
Use the below step if you wish to assign the policy to individual users. Replace Identity, which refers to the user (object) ID in the Azure user management portal.
Grant-CsApplicationAccessPolicy -PolicyName sense-teams-policy -Identity "748d2bdd-3b55-40ed-8c34-2ase5932b22a"
Use the below step if you wish to assign the policy to groups. Replace group id, which refers to the user (object) ID in the Azure user management portal.
Grant-CsApplicationAccessPolicy -PolicyName sense-teams-policy -Group "566b8e40-5c5c-4bad-bc07-4f36278d1c28"
Step 9: Test! Book a meeting with a template to ensure a unique Microsoft Teams URL is generated and works.
Q: I’m an administrator but I can’t complete the Teams integration.
A: Make sure the admin trying to integrate has global admin privileges. Just having Teams admin privilege will not work for this integration.
Q: I have completed the integration but none of the meetings have MS Teams links in them
A: Steps 6, Step 7 and optionally Step 8 above were not completed. Please complete the steps before trying again.