Table of Contents
★ Bounced Messages
The Bounced Messages metrics showcase the messages that were sent but were bounced by the recipient's email or SMS service provider. The most common causes are that the email or phone number is no longer in use. The specific reason for each bounce is available in the delivery history table. The bounce rate is the percentage of sent messages.
- Sent: The number of email or SMS messages for which sending was attempted. Send is attempted for recipients that meet the audience and suppression rules, and that have valid contact info. Sent is the sum total of successfully delivered messages plus undeliverable messages, and does not include skipped messages. The sent count is not shown in this graph, but is used to calculate the percentages for the rates below.
- Bounced: The email or SMS service provider reported that the message could not be delivered for one of several possible reasons, such as the mailbox being full or the email address or phone number not being recognized. The delivery history table provides further information about each bounce, including the specific error code reported by the service provider. You can filter the delivery history table to find all recipients marked as bounced, and use that information to update contact information in your database.
★ Understanding the Graph
Tap anywhere in the box to expand or collapse it. When expanded, the box displays the exact counts of bounced messages. These counts are shown separately for email and SMS, as well as for the total of both.
- All of the numbers in the graph are impacted by your active filters (e.g. "Last 7 days").
- The bounce rate is a percentage of sent messages.
★ Error Codes for Bounced Emails
If a candidate's email repeatedly bounces due to specific permanent failures, such as 'Recipient unavailable,' 'Addressee unknown,' 'Mail quota exceeded,' or other error codes listed below, Sense automatically adds the email address to a bounce list. This means, on their first occurrence of a bounce for one of these permanent failure errors, we will not send emails to that address for a period of 6 months. This policy applies only for the bounces caused by the mentioned permanent failure error codes.
➥ NOTE: We filter emails using the below error codes (For Emails Only):
- Error Code '4.1.1': User over quota.
- Error Code '4.2.2': The email account that you tried to reach is over quota.
- Error Code '450': Your message was not delivered because the other user mailbox was not available. This can happen if the mailbox is locked or is not routable.
- Error Code '5.0.0': No such user.
- Error Code '5.1.1': Recipient [XX] does not exist here.
- Error Code '5.2.0': Recipient unavailable.
- Error Code '5.2.1': Addressee unknown.
- Error Code '5.2.2': User is over quota.
- Error Code '5.3.0': Addressee unknown.
- Error Code '5.4.1': Recipient address rejected.
- Error Code '5.5.0': Mailbox unavailable.
- Error Code '511': Sorry, no mailbox here by that name.
- Error Code '550': The message has failed because the other user's mailbox is unavailable or because the recipient server rejected your message.
- Error Code '551': The mailbox your message was intended for does not exist on the recipient server.
- Error Code '552': Mail quota exceeded.
- Error Code '553': You message was not delivered because the name of the mailbox you sent to does not exist.
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