We’re constantly working to improve your Sense experience by squashing bugs and releasing new features. Here’s an account of the improvements and releases that happened in November 2021.
Sense AI Chatbot Metrics
Released Date: November 02, 2021
What’s New
Sense AI Chatbot metrics showcase the candidate progression and drop-offs during a chatbot journey. Drop off rates are presented at a node level so you can proactively improve your conversation conversion rates.
- Conversation flows: Users can look at the completion of each chatbot.
- Chatbot journey charts: Each chatbot flow now includes a sankey graph that provides the candidate progression and drops off during a chatbot journey.
- People engaged list: This shows the candidate details including name, status, drop-off stage, and conversation rating, along with respective filters.
- Analytics > Sense AI Chatbot metrics
NOTE : For more information, please refer to the complete article Sense AI Chatbot Metrics.
User Content Subscriptions
Released Date: November 06, 2021
What’s New
User Content Subscriptions is a new feature that enhances the existing Sense Engage opt-outs. Previously, every candidate (or recipient) had a single opt-out setting that manages their communication with your agency. Now you can create multiple subscription categories for different types of communication, allowing candidates (and recipients) to selectively opt-in / opt-out from the available subscription categories.
This new feature also allows you to differentiate marketing emails versus transactional emails, ensuring that your recipients never lose out on important communications.
User Content Subscriptions is available to all agencies.
This release covers the below mentioned categories.
- Managing subscription categories in Sense Engage
- Configuring email touchpoints with a subscription category
- Settings > User Content Subscriptions
NOTE : For more information, please refer to the complete article User Content Subscriptions.
Sense AI Chatbot Metrics
Released Date: November 08, 2021
What’s Fixed
- Addressed page responsiveness issues while zooming in and out of the page.
- Addressed bugs that prevented sankey charts from loading properly.
- Improved UI.
Here is the before and after visualisation for sankey chart :
Before :
After :
- Analytics > Sense AI Chatbot metrics
NOTE : For more information, please refer to the complete article Sense AI Chatbot Metrics.
Sense AI Chatbot Metrics
Released Date: November 11, 2021
What’s New
- Enabled download option for People Engaged list.
- Sankey view now also displays node-level completion percentage.
- Analytics > Sense AI Chatbot metrics
NOTE : For more information, please refer to the complete article Sense AI Chatbot Metrics.
User Content Subscriptions
Released Date: November 16, 2021
What’s New
Added "Default transactional" and "Default marketing" as the two primary content subscription categories.
After :
- Settings > User Content Subscriptions
NOTE : For more information, please refer to the complete article User Content Subscriptions.
Journey Scheduling
Released Date: November 18, 2021
What’s Fixed
Removed the ‘batched over multiple days’ option for sms_chatbot touchpoints, as it is not applicable for this type of touchpoint.
Now the ‘batched over multiple days’ option is only available for email_chatbot touchpoints.
Before :
After :
NOTE: This change is only applicable to SMS_chatbot touchpoints.
- Journeys > Touchpoint > Scheduling
Bulk Cleanup
Released Date: November 29, 2021
What’s New
Released a new bulk cleanup type : ‘Submittal’. This new type of bulk clean up allows you to add comments to a set of job submissions.
- Bulk Cleanup > Create New Cleanup