Recruiters need solutions to complete tasks without switching between different platforms. Sense TRM’s integration with Darwinbox allows you to convert a hired candidate profile into an employee with a button click. This integration ensures automation of the entire hiring process with less paperwork and dependencies.
When you change a candidate's status to Hired in Sense TRM, you can “Export to Darwinbox.” You can click on the button and submit the pre-filled form. Sense TRM will export the candidate profile details to the Pending List in Darwinbox.
The integration will streamline the recruiting workflow, from sourcing to hiring and converting a hire into an employee. Also, your HR/Onboarding team can start the onboarding process.
Check out this integration and get them enabled for your account today!
This article will help you understand the following:
Why should you opt for Sense TRM-Darwinbox integration?
What are the prerequisites for using this integration?
How to use this integration?
☆ Pre-requisites:
Have a valid account with Darwinbox
Procure necessary APIs from Darwinbox that can be shared with Sense TRM to enable the integration.
Candidate Addition API: pushing all the application details, including candidate and requisition details, from Sense TRM.
Add standard documents API:Optional. It is only required if the attached documents in Sense TRM need to be transferred to Darwinbox.
Candidate CTC addition/updation API: Optional. Only required if the CTC/Offer details in Sense TRM must be transferred to Darwinbox.
Credentials or Authentication headers of all the APIs as mentioned above.
Details of all the required fields in DarwinBox to create an employee (Field Names and Types).
Upon enabling the integration, you will fill up the details on a spreadsheet that the Sense TRM team will share.
Please refer to this sheet, which contains some sample fields on how the Darwinbox team should share the data with you.
☆ Enable Darwinbox for your Sense TRM Account
You can contact your respective CSM to enable the integration from the back end. Meanwhile, you can be ready with the above-mentioned prerequisites to speed up the process.
☆ Export data to Darwinbox
Once you have the integration enabled and details mapped correctly, you can use the integration to export a hired candidate's details to Darwinbox.
From the Hired candidate profile, click on Export to Darwinbox. Sense TRM will export the details as per the mapping done.
➥ Note:
Once the integration is Live, you should let the Sense TRM team know if any changes are made in the Darwinbox Onboarding fields.They will help in updating the fields for you. If not, you might be prompted with an error while exporting the details.