Configure the admin consent workflow
The admin consent workflow gives admins a secure way to grant access to applications that require admin approval. When a user tries to access an application but is unable to provide consent, they can send a request for admin approval. The request is sent via email to admins who have been designated as reviewers. A reviewer takes action on the request, and the user is notified of the action.
Enable the admin consent workflow
To enable the admin consent workflow and choose reviewers:
1. Sign in to the Azure portal with one of the roles listed in the prerequisites.
2. Search for and select Azure Active Directory.
3. Select Enterprise applications.
4. Under Security, select Consent and Permissions.
5. Under Manage, select Admin consent settings. Under Admin consent requests, select Yes for Users can request admin consent to apps they are unable to consent to .
6. Configure the following settings:
a. Who can review admin consent requests - Select users, groups, or roles that are
designated as reviewers for admin consent requests. Reviewers can view, block, or deny admin consent requests, but only global administrators can approve admin consent requests. People designated as reviewers can view incoming requests in the My Pending tab after they have been set as reviewers. Any new reviewers need help to act on existing or expired admin consent requests.
b. Selected users will receive email notifications for requests - Enable or disable email notifications to the reviewers when a request is made.
c. Selected users will receive request expiration reminders - Enable or disable reminder email notifications to the reviewers when a request is about to expire. The first about-to-expire reminder email is likely sent out in the middle of the configured "Consent request expires after (days)." For example, if you configure the consent request to expire in three days, the first reminder email is sent out on the second day, and the last expiration email is sent out almost immediately the consent request expires.
d. Consent request expires after (days) - Specify how long requests stay valid.
7. Select Save. It can take up to an hour for the workflow to become enabled.
Refer to the screenshot for the step mentioned below
Review admin consent requests
The admin consent workflow gives admins a secure way to grant access to applications that require admin approval. When a user tries to access an application but is unable to provide consent, they can send a request for admin approval. The request is sent via email to admins who have been designated as reviewers. A reviewer takes action on the request, and the user is notified of the action.
Review and take action on admin consent requests
1. Sign in to the Azure portal as one of the registered reviewers of the admin consent workflow.
2. Search for and select Azure Active Directory.
3. From the navigation menu, select Enterprise applications.
4. Under Activity, select Admin consent requests.
5. Select My Pending tab to view and act on the pending requests.
6. Select the application that is being requested from the list.
7. Review details about the request:
a. To see what permissions are being requested by the application, select Review Permissions and Consent.
b. To view the application details, select the App details tab.
c. To see who is requesting access and why, select the Requested by tab.
8. Evaluate the request and take the appropriate action:
a. Approve the request. To approve a request, grant admin consent to the application. Once a request is approved, all requestors are notified that they have been granted access. Approving a request allows all users in your tenant to access the application unless otherwise restricted with user assignment.
Refer to the screenshot mentioned below.
Admin to Login into Sense Application
1. Admin need to login into the TRM application.
2. It will create a prompt to login into your Microsoft account.
3. If you are already logged in, please select your account.
4. It will open a prompt to give access to the Sense application.
5. Check `On behalf of organization` and then click on authorize application.
Add users to Sense Enterprise applications
1. Once the admin has logged into the Skillate application, as mentioned in the above point, the Sense application will automatically be registered.
2. Go to Active Directory -> Enterprise Applications.
3. Search for Sense application.
4. Click on the Sense application.
5. Click on Add User/Group
6. Add all the users who need to access the Sense application for calendar access.