Table of Contents
★ Overview
The 'Who Clicked What Report' offers a comprehensive report on sent links. These metrics help you understand the data by recipient Name, Phone Number, Link URL, Sent Date, Delivered Date, Last Click Time, and Count of Clicks. These metrics enable you to effectively manage the performance of link clicks by each individual's name and email address.
➥ Reference: To gain a comprehensive understanding of the various aspects and new features of Analytics (BETA), please refer to the complete “How to Use the New Analytics (BETA)” help article.
★ What's Covered
[A] Standard Filtering Options
- Use the standard filtering options to sort the report to your specific requirements. You can filter the report page by Date Range, Business Goals, Categories, Lifecycle Goals, Journey Status, and Entity Type.
- Date Range: Use this filter to sort the report according to your desired timeline. The default date range filter is set to the last seven days.
- Business Goal: Use this filter to sort the report according to your business goals, such as data enrichment, hiring, reactivation, etc.
- Category: Use this filter to narrow down the report based on your Journey categories.
- Lifecycle Goal: Use this filter to sort the report based on your desired lifecycle goals, such as passive, looking for work, Interviews, redeployment, etc.
- Journey Status: Use this filter to sort your report according to active or inactive statuses.
- Entity Type: Use this filter to sort your report according to different entity types, such as candidate, job, leads, etc.
[B] Who Clicked What Report - Data Table
The 'Who Clicked What Report' table offers a comprehensive summary of individuals who have clicked and engaged with the sent links. This table provides information by individual Name, Email, Phone Number, Link URL, respective Journey and Touchpoint Name, Sent Date, Delivered Date, Last Click Timings, and Count of Clicks.
- Name: Shows the name of the recipient. This column will be empty if the name of the recipient is unavailable.
- Email: Shows the email address of the recipient. This column will be empty if the email of the recipient is unavailable.
- Phone Number: Shows the phone number of the recipient. This column will be empty if the recipient's phone number is unavailable.
- Link: Shows the sent URL link.
- Journey Name: Shows the name of the Journey used to send the touchpoint.
- Touchpoint Name: Shows the name of the touchpoint.
- Sent Date: Shows the date and time when the link/touchpoint was sent.
- Delivered Date: Shows the date and time of delivery for the sent link/touchpoint.
- Last Click Date and Time: Indicates the most recent date and time of a link click for the sent link.
- Count of Clicks: Indicates the total number of clicks on the sent link.