Table of Contents
- Recipients column
- Skipped reason column
- Delivery column
- Message Type and goals column
- Conversion column
- Bounced error code column:
The delivery history table contains one row for every message that was sent and every message that was skipped. This is a powerful tool for troubleshooting your touchpoints. When you see unexpected rates of delivery, opens, conversions, skips, or undelivered messages within the charts on the Metrics Overview, you can use this delivery history table to find out exactly which recipients were affected.
The delivery history table can be filtered in two ways:
- You can filter by journey or touchpoint by using the panel to the left of the table.
- You can simultaneously filter by date and other message attributes by using the buttons above the table.
Each filter button corresponds to its matching column name in the table.
★ Recipients column:
Tap on any cell in the column to view the full profile of that recipient.
★ Skipped reason column:
If a message was skipped, then this column shows why it was skipped.
- Missing info: The recipient's email address is completely empty or null (for email messages) or the recipient's phone number is completely empty or null (for SMS messages). You can filter the delivery history table to find all recipients with missing info, and use that information to update your database with new contact information.
- Suppression: The touchpoint scheduling rules suppressed the sending to these intended recipients. For example, the scheduling may prevent sending to a recipient who has previously replied, or it may specify sending on a specific time without a grace period for messages that could not be sent at that time. If the suppression rate is unexpected for an individual touchpoint, you may want to adjust the scheduling rules for that touchpoint.
- Agency opt-out: A message will be skipped if the recipient is marked as opted-out. If you have configured Sense to respect your ATS-marked opt-outs, then you can cause a recipient to be skipped by either marking the opt-out in your ATS or within the recipient’s profile within Sense. If you have configured Sense to ignore your ATS-marked opt-outs, then you can only cause a recipient to be skipped by marking the opt-out within the recipient’s profile within Sense. A recipient can also cause themselves to be opted-out within Sense, either by tapping an unsubscribe link on an email touchpoint or replying “stop” to an SMS touchpoint. When a message was skipped due to an agency opt-out, that is shown in the delivery history table in the “skip reason” column. It is not shown in the overview metrics.
- Invalid sender address: Touchpoints that are sent to a very large number of recipients require a compatible sender address. That compatible sender address’s domain must be configured with specific DNS settings that designate it as a high volume messaging domain. This configuration segregates your high volume messages from your ordinary touchpoints to help protect your messages from being blocked by service providers. If your touchpoint is scheduled to send at high volume, but the domain of its sender address has not been configured for high volume, then all its messages will be skipped. When a message was skipped due to this kind of invalid sender address, that is shown in the delivery history table in the “skip reason” column. It is not shown in the overview metrics.
★ Delivery column:
If a message was sent, then this column shows if it was delivered or if it bounced.
- Bounced: The email or SMS service provider reported that the message could not be delivered for one of several possible reasons, such as the mailbox being full or the email address or phone number not being recognized. Hover over any cell labelled "bounced" in the table to reveal the specific error code that was reported by the service provider. This error code is also shown as a separate column when you export the delivery history table data. You can filter the delivery history table to find all recipients marked as bounced, and use that information to update contact information in your database.
- Delivered: The email or SMS messages were successfully delivered, as reported by the email and SMS service providers.
★ Message type and message goals columns:
A message's conversion goal is automatically assigned based on its type as described below:
- Surveys and chatbots — Completion: Email or SMS messages that contain a link to a Sense survey or a chatbot as well as chatbot conversations over SMS. The conversion goal for these messages is a "completion" (see below).
- Emails with links — Click: Email messages that contain any link other than a link to a Sense survey or a chatbot. The conversion goal for these messages is a "click" (see below).
- Emails without links — Open: Email messages that don't contain any link except the unsubscribe link. The conversion goal for these messages is an "open" (see below).
- Skipped emails — Unknown (Open or click): You can create messages with links that are hidden within a variable. Once an email message is sent, Sense resolves its variables and determines whether or not it contains a link. But if the messages is skipped (and therefore never sent), then Sense cannot determine whether or not it contains a link. Therefore, skipped messages are assigned the message goal of “unknown” because the goal may be either an open or a click.
- SMS replies — Reply: All SMS messages regardless of their content. The conversion goal for these messages is an "reply" (see below).
★ Conversion column:
A message's conversion goal is automatically assigned based on its type as described below. The cells in the conversion column are color-coded to make it easier to identify whether that message converted.
▶ Converted
- Completed — surveys & chatbots: Email or SMS messages that contain a link to a chatbot or survey, as well as chatbot conversations over SMS, are automatically assigned the goal of gathering information from recipients. For this goal, a "Completed" conversion is counted when the recipient completes the entire survey or chatbot.
- Clicked — emails with links: Email messages that contain any link, except to a chatbot or survey, are automatically assigned the goal of getting the recipient to tap a "call to action" link. For this goal, a click conversion is counted when the recipient clicks on any of the links in the email and when Sense servers receive the request to load that linked URL.
- Opened — emails without links: Email messages that don't contain any link, except for the unsubscribe link, are automatically assigned the goal of sending the recipient an "FYI" or notification. For this goal, an opened conversion is counted if the recipient viewed the content of the email and cause the invisible "pixel" image to be requested from Sense servers. Note that this is considered a full conversion for emails without links, but an open for email with links is considered a partial conversion.
- Replied — SMS: SMS messages, regardless of content, are automatically assigned the goal of getting the recipient to reply. For example, you may have SMS touchpoints that are intended as an "FYI" or notification that do not seek a reply. However, for the purposes of tracking conversion, Sense assumes that all SMS messages seek a reply. For this goal, a reply conversion is counted if the recipient sent a reply to the sender of the SMS message. If that recipient received multiple messages from the same sender before replying, then only then the reply is only counted for the most recent event and not for the previous events.
▶ Partially Converted
- Started — surveys & chatbots: Email or SMS or messages that contain a link to a chatbot or survey are automatically assigned the goal of gathering information from recipients. For this goal, a "Start" is counted if the recipient tapped on the link within the email or SMS message and loaded the page that contained the survey or chatbot, but did not answer any of the survey or chatbot questions. This is considered a partial conversion.
- Partial — surveys & chatbots: A "Partial" is counted if the recipient answered one or more of the survey or chatbot questions, but did not complete the entire survey or chatbot. This is considered a partial conversion.
- Opened — emails with links: Email messages that contain any link, except to a chatbot or survey, are automatically assigned the goal of getting the recipient to tap a "call to action" link. For this goal, an "Open" is counted if the recipient viewed the content of the email and caused the invisible "pixel" image to be requested from Sense servers. This is considered a partial conversion for emails with links. Note that an open for email without links is considered a full conversion.
▶ Not Converted
- Unsubscribed: Note that are two kinds of unsubscribed: unsubscribed according to the email or SMS service provider vs. unsubscribed by agency opt-out. Unsubscribed according to the service provider is the only kind of unsubscribed shown in this chart. It shows when the service provider reported to Sense that the recipient sent the unsubscribe request directly to the service provider. In this case, you may also wish to mark the recipient as opted-out, either within your database or within the recipient’s profile within Sense. You can do this by exporting the delivery history table and finding all recipients flagged as unsubscribe according to the service provider. In contrast, agency opt-outs are not shown in this chart because these messages are skipped and never sent. An agency opt-out means that you already marked the recipient as opted-out, either within your ATS or within Sense, or it means that the recipient opted themselves out within Sense, either by tapping an unsubscribe link on an email touchpoint or replying “stop” to an SMS touchpoint.
- Spam reported: The email or SMS service provider reported that the recipient flagged your message as spam or that your messages was automatically flagged as spam. A high spam rate may be due to one or more issues. You may want to examine your messages for any content that may be triggering automatic spam filters, check your message is relevant to your intended recipients, check that your message scheduling and frequency is appropriate, or check that your leads are up-to-date. Note that SMS messages that contain links may also trigger automatic spam filters.
- Unopened: An unopened email means either that the recipient did not view the content of the email or that Sense could not verify that the recipient did so. An “open” is verified when the recipient views the content of the email and causes an invisible "pixel" image to be requested from Sense servers. However, some recipients or email service providers block these “pixel” images, which makes verification impossible. It’s important to note that because of this limitation, even if Sense did not detect an “open”, Sense will still report the email message as partially or fully converted if the recipient clicked any link or started a survey or chatbot. So, while “unopened” verifiably indicates that no links were clicked and no survey or chatbot was started, it’s not a guarantee that the email wasn’t viewed.
★ Bounced error code column:
This column is only visible when the delivery history table is exported. However, this error code is also shown in the online delivery history table while hovering over any cell labeled "bounced". This bounced error column contains the specific error code that was reported by the service provider for bounced message.