Sense AI Chatbot is now integrated with the Smart FAQs feature to answer the candidate's Frequently Asked Questions at any time during the conversation. The feature is designed to answer a global library of questions about the company, benefits, jobs, interviews etc.
Smart FAQs allow you to select your top 3 questions from the global library and provide the ability to configure them at a flow level.
What’s Covered
- Includes the standardized global question library for different FAQs.
- Ability to configure top 3 questions at the flow level from the question library.
- Flexibility to show/hide the FAQ button functionality for specific flows.
Smart FAQs 2.0
The FAQs 2.0 is equipped with enhanced customization capabilities, brand-specific FAQs content management, and real-time insights into candidate queries.
The older FAQs had certain limitations, such as a fixed set of questions, common answers across different brands, and a lack of insight into candidate queries.
Here are some of the features and benefits of FAQs 2.0:
- Custom Content Creation: Create content that is tailored to your needs, whether it's general or specific to individual brands.
- Real-time Tracking of Candidate Inquiries: Candidates' questions can be monitored in real-time, allowing you to update your content accordingly.
- Previewing Responses: Preview responses before they are published, enabling you to make adjustments and ensure accuracy.
- Prioritizing Top Three Questions: Select your top three most frequently asked questions to improve the candidate experience.
- Intent-based Categorization: Candidate queries are categorized by intent, providing valuable insights into recurring themes and allowing you to address them proactively.
- Customizing Fallback Messages: Customize fallback messages to ensure a seamless experience for candidates, even when specific answers are unavailable.
Accessing the FAQs
Navigate to Conversations > Manage FAQ Library. The Source Content for FAQs section displays the FAQs content used to answer your candidate queries. You can easily add/ update this content directly from the text box, giving you the freedom to customize the FAQs according to your preferences.
Preview the FAQs
When you click the Preview button, the chatbot window opens, providing you with a preview of how the chatbot will appear and function. Preview allows you to ask questions to the chatbot in real-time as a candidate, view the responses, and ensure accuracy.
Select Brand for Specific Content
The drop-down next to Preview helps you select brands for specific content.
Select Top 3 FAQs
In the Asked FAQs section, click the Select Top 3 button to select the most important FAQs for display. This feature allows you to prioritize key information, ensuring users can quickly access the most relevant answers to common questions.
Manage FAQs at the Conversation Flow Level
If you wish to enable the “FAQ button” on your chatbot for a particular flow, navigate to your conversation flow and click the three-dot option on the right side of the flow to manage your FAQs.
- Click the “Enable” button to show the “FAQ button” functionality for the selected flow.
Key Notes:
- If you enable the FAQ button functionality, the candidates will be able to see the FAQ button with your top 3 default questions.
If you disable the FAQ button functionality, the candidates will not be able to see the FAQ button but will still be able to ask their questions. The system will automatically provide the answers (if added to the global library as mentioned in step A2). For Example: {FAQ Button Enabled}
- You can manage your default questions from the drop-down menu for the selected conversation flow.
- Click the “Edit in Library” to customize your answers to your selected questions.
Candidate Experience
Candidates can ask or trigger FAQs at any time during the conversation. They can ask the questions in two ways, such as:
- Candidates can “type in the question” at any time in the conversation.
- They can click on the “FAQ icon” (If you have enabled it as mentioned in steps B1 & B2) on the candidate interface to see the top three frequently asked questions and get answers for those.
Smart FAQs are built with different types of global questions on the company, benefits, jobs, interviews etc. You can add custom answers for all the questions in the question library (mentioned in step A1 & A2).
- Whenever the candidate asks a question, the Sense AI Chatbot understands the intent of the question. If it recognizes the utterance as a FAQ, then it will provide the custom answer to that question (if added to the question library).
- If no custom answer is added, then the chatbot will simply respond with the default message: "Sorry, I don’t know how to answer this.”
Smart FAQs provide the ability to take feedback from the candidates. For example, after responding to each question, the chatbot will ask for the candidate’s feedback on the web.
Candidates can share whether the chatbot has answered their questions or not.