We’re constantly working to improve your Sense experience by squashing bugs and releasing new features. Here’s an account of the improvements and releases that happened in April 2023.
Table of Contents
❖ Sense Referrals ❖
1. Multiple Referrals Program
Released Date: April 06, 2023
★ What’s New
Released Multiple Referrals Program feature that allows you to create multiple referral programs for different locations, depending on your need. This feature helps you easily manage all your referral programs in one platform.
▶ Key Notes of the Feature
- Ability to create multiple referral programs to meet different hiring needs.
- Ability to manage all referral programs in one platform.
- Added a new section, ‘Programs & Jobs’ where you can configure your referral program setup and add jobs to it.
- Ability to control user access for your referral program. You can provide user access as either Viewer or Editor to view or edit the referral program.
Reference: Please refer to the complete article on Multiple Referrals Program for detailed information on creating a new referral program.
★ Impacted Sense Platform
- Sense Referrals
❖ Sense AI Chatbot ❖
1. Data Review Enhancements
Released Date: April 06, 2023
★ What’s New
Released below-mentioned enhancements to the Chatbot Data Review page to improve your overall Chatbot experience:
[1] The Data Review enhancement allows you to download selected transcripts and helps you perform bulk actions to download all transcripts with just one click.
For example:
[2] Added the ‘View Transcript’ button to the Data Review page to make it easier and quicker for you to access and view the chatbot conversation transcripts.
[3] Enhanced the CSV formatting of transcripts to ensure that all candidate information is displayed in a clear and easy-to-read format.
▶ How to Download the Transcripts:
To download the transcript,
[1] On your Sense Dashboard, navigate to Conversations.
[2] Hover over any Sourcing Chatbot Flow, and click the three-dot option on the right side of each conversation flow. Click Review Data.
[3] Select and download the transcripts of your choice, or click View Transcripts to access and view the transcripts data.
★ Impacted Sense Platform
- Conversations > Sourcing Chatbot
2. Bullhorn Field Writebacks - API Migration
Released Date: April 20, 2023
★ What’s New
Introduced a new API for Field Writebacks to significantly reduce the latency for sourcing bots when writing back fields to Bullhorn.
▶ Problem:
Previously, the Field Writebacks for candidates created via Sourcing bots used to take up to a couple of hours to update the information (other than email address) into Bullhorn ATS.
▶ What’s Fixed:
With the new API migration, the Field Writebacks and Note Writebacks will happen almost instantly, i.e., all candidate fields will be written back to the candidate record in Bullhorn instantly.
▶ Candidate Creation & Field Writebacks:
Reference: Please refer to the complete article on Candidate Creation and Field Writebacks to understand the Candidate Creation and Field Writebacks process.
★ Impacted Sense Platform
- Sourcing Chatbot
3. Bullhorn Field Writebacks - API Migration
Released Date: April 20, 2023
★ What’s New
Released "Candidate Creation & Field writeback" feature for Erecruit Applicant Tracking System (ATS). This feature helps you to create or update the candidate's profiles sourced through the Sourcing Chatbot into your Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and performs the field write-back on the existing candidates as well.
The “Candidate Creation” feature is designed to write back the candidate's details, such as the Candidate's Name, Email ID, Phone Number, etc., into your ATS.
▶ How the Candidate Creation Works:
Candidate sourced via Sourcing Chatbot can be either a New Candidate or a Duplicate Candidate:-
[A] New candidate (Object Writeback)
- The system will create a new candidate record when the candidate's email address is not found in the ATS.
- When a new candidate is sourced, the system will automatically write back this information as a New Object to your ATS using Object Writeback.
[B] Duplicate candidate (Field Writeback)
- The system will update the candidate record when a duplicate email address is found in the ATS.
- If there’s a duplicate candidate found (based on the email address as the search key), the system will automatically update the oldest record of the candidate with the latest candidate information. The system will use Field Writeback to perform these updates.
Reference: Please refer to the complete article on Candidate Creation and Field Writebacks to understand the Candidate Creation and Field Writebacks process.
★ Impacted Sense Platform
- Conversations
❖ Sense Scheduling ❖
Daily Digest
Release Date: April 06, 2023
★ What’s New
Released a ‘Daily Digest’ feature that helps you stay up to date with all the meetings scheduled using Sense Meetings.
With this feature, you will receive a daily email at 5 AM every working day containing a list of all the meetings scheduled up to that point.
To access the feature,
[1] Log in to your Sense Platform and navigate to Sense Scheduling.
[2] On your scheduling dashboard, click Settings.
[3] Use the Toggle Button to turn ON/OFF the daily digest feature.
Example of Email Notification:
Important: When you enable the Daily Digest feature, the system will send an email notification every working day at 5 AM, containing all the meetings scheduled up to that point. If no meetings are scheduled, no email communication will be triggered for that day.
★ Impacted Sense Platform
- Sense AI Chatbot