We’re constantly working to improve your Sense experience by squashing bugs and releasing new features. Here’s an account of the improvements and releases that happened in December 2022.
This article covers the following topics:
Sense Engage
1. Scheduling Enhancement
Released Date: December 05, 2022
★ What’s New
Added an enhancement to the Scheduling trigger “On a date — and finished on that date”.
During touchpoint scheduling, removed the "no earlier than selected time of the day' option in the “Time's Type”, if the following “Relative Date's” types are selected:
- "the value of a date field, add or subtract time" - If “Adjust date by” is anything other than 0.
- "the value of a date field, adjusted day of week"
★ Impacted Sense Platform
- Journey > Touchpoint Scheduling
2. Global Variables Enhancements
Released Date: December 14, 2022
★ What’s New
Added a new ability to Global Variables to support Multiline. Now, you are able to add text with next-line support which includes sentences, spaces, case sensitivity of characters, and punctuation (@,”!$#&(){}[]|~`) so that you can save details like address, etc.
The character limit of 150 characters will show a counter to indicate the character limit, and provide a warning when the limit has been exceeded.
To add Global Variables:
- Navigate to Settings>Global Variables.
- Click Add New.
Now you can map the newly created Global Variables as required.
Key Factors:
- You are able to add multiline to the Global Variables, which will help in variables like Address and other such fields.
- The character limit is 150 characters.
- You can use the following in the mapping field
- Sentences
- Spaces
- Case sensitivity of characters
- Punctuations (@,”!$#&(){}[]|~`)
- Whenever you use the variable inside a touchpoint (Email and SMS), it will come in the same format it was saved in.
★ Impacted Sense Platform
- Settings > Global Variables
- Journeys > Touchpoints
3. Lists Enhancements
Released Date: December 05, 2022
★ What’s New
Added an enhancement to Lists where you can see whether attached Journeys are active or not. If the attached Journey is active, it will show in green. If not, it will show as grey.
Go to People > Lists Tab and select the List.
★ Impacted Sense Platform
- Settings > Global Variables
Sense AI Chatbot
1. Sense AI Chatbot - Analytics
Released Date: December 13, 2022
★ What’s New
Added an enhancement to the ‘Chatbot Analytics’ tab, which provides a new viewing dashboard and additional tracked metrics:
- Monitor the velocity (monthly and total) of the time taken by the bot to complete a conversation and schedule a meeting
- View the increase or decrease in the metrics from the previous time range
- Use monthly charts for conversation and engagement funnel, along with the total numbers for these metrics
- It also supports the entity type and chatbot type filters on the whole overview page, which were previously only supported for the list of chatbot flows
To access Chatbot Metrics:
- On your Sense Dashboard, navigate to Analytics > Chatbot Metrics.
- You can filter your Chatbot Metrics by
- Selecting one or more Chatbot Type - [Sourcing, Prescreening, Data Enrichment]
- Selecting one or more Entity Type
- Selecting Timeframe [90 Days, 30 Days, or Customizable Range]
- Selecting one or more Conversation Flow
Reference: Please refer to the complete article on “Chatbot Analytics” for more
★ Impacted Sense Platform
- Analytics > Chatbot Analytics
2. Analytics Enhancements
Released Date: December 08, 2022
★ What’s New
Added enhancement to the Analytics landing page where you will land on the “Performance Metrics” tab instead of Overview Metrics. This means that as soon as the user clicks Analytics, they will land on the Performance page first. Navigating to the overview metrics will require one additional click.
★ Impacted Sense Platform
- Sense Analytics